Your money or your life. That’s the choice it feels like I make. I suppose it is the choice facing most artists. Give up, or at least dramatically scale back the work I love and get a job that I will not love, or continue on in the face of my ever shrinking checkbook balance. With a son to raise and send to college in a few years, the money is more urgent than it might be for myself and my husband. What ever happened to ‘do what you love, the money will follow’? I am doing what I love, and doing things I don’t love in order to keep it going, but the money isn’t following me. Or if it is, it is following too far behind! I feel as if there is some sort of big leap ahead, a different road to take, but I can’t see it. I’m wandering in the dark. Am I supposed to chuck it in, return to jewelry as a hobby in my (ha!) spare time while working full time at whatever god-awful job will have me and hope that somehow it is all for the best? What else, what more I am supposed to be doing to make this business work for me?
And why do I feel so guilty for whining about my problems? First world angst.
Because I need a laugh after that, and because I can’t help myself: