Sign of the Dove was featured on the Chronicle tv show
, and my bracelets had a quick moment on screen at 2:08!
Great to see the store looking so good 🙂
Sign of the Dove was featured on the Chronicle tv show
, and my bracelets had a quick moment on screen at 2:08!
Great to see the store looking so good 🙂
I took a vacation this year. Pretty unusual in and of itself. Took it with the husband and son, even more unusual. (Yes, what normally passes for a ‘vacation’ is usually a long-weekend-with-a-girlfriend. Sue me) We went to the other side of the continent and a friend took us camping. Camping. In tents. No running water, no electricity. Cooking on the campfire. Now, I’m a somewhat girly girl living in the ‘burbs. I wear makeup every day. And do my hair. I like my appliances, and my comforts. Even one of my best friends who has known me forever found the idea of me going camping to be a bit of a stretch. But for 4 days I went barefaced and didn’t shower and didn’t know what my hair looked like. Better than that, I didn’t check email or text or go on the internet or clog up my brain with all of the stuff available for that purpose. I walked, I helped my son identify plants, I watched pelicans, I poked in tide pools and watched the sun on the Pacific. It was freeing.
One morning, I went with my friend and fearless leader for a hike. Nice and easy, 2 miles to the sandy beach north of the campground. And then we decided to go back by taking the “direct” route along the shore. We made this choice standing at the end of the sandy beach, looking at the rocks, knowing that the other end of our trip was also rocky. What we didn’t know was what we’d find in between. What we found was a challenge. We crawled thru crevices, scrambled over boulders, climbed up crumbling walls of rock and dropped down the other side. I probably haven’t done anything even remotely like that since I was a kid giving my mother fits on vacation in the Rockies. Maybe not even then. By the time we got back, we were tired, dirty, sweaty, and our sides hurt from laughter. It was exhilarating.
I spend a lot of time in my comfort zone. (Even though it’s often uncomfortable) I go through my days doing the same old stuff. Which is life. We all have to go to work , clean the house, feed the kids, blah blah blah. But it’s when I take a moment to get outside of the zone that I learn something, that I re-energize, that I feel strong. I need to remember this.
I just love this – scale maille gone high fashion rather than cosplay:
Your money or your life. That’s the choice it feels like I make. I suppose it is the choice facing most artists. Give up, or at least dramatically scale back the work I love and get a job that I will not love, or continue on in the face of my ever shrinking checkbook balance. With a son to raise and send to college in a few years, the money is more urgent than it might be for myself and my husband. What ever happened to ‘do what you love, the money will follow’? I am doing what I love, and doing things I don’t love in order to keep it going, but the money isn’t following me. Or if it is, it is following too far behind! I feel as if there is some sort of big leap ahead, a different road to take, but I can’t see it. I’m wandering in the dark. Am I supposed to chuck it in, return to jewelry as a hobby in my (ha!) spare time while working full time at whatever god-awful job will have me and hope that somehow it is all for the best? What else, what more I am supposed to be doing to make this business work for me?
And why do I feel so guilty for whining about my problems? First world angst.
Because I need a laugh after that, and because I can’t help myself:
I’m getting tired of the dull colors; the dark greens
, the brown and grey. So I’ve gone looking for color.
I have a pretty significant amount of work on hand, so I’m not pressed to stock up. This seems to be putting a damper on things. I’d like to think that the freedom of not needing to mass-produce would allow me to experiment and play around, just let things happen. But alas, at this moment, that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m just not feeling it. I’m tempted to let myself off the hook and just go clean the house or read a book or sit on Pinterest looking at all the pics of places I’ll never travel to , but I’m trying not to. Just because I love this work, it is still work, and I still ought to show up for it. Even if it isn’t showing up for me right now.