Caring for Copper

Copper has such a lovely warmth to it, and patinates in such interesting ways. In general, I like my chainmaille nice and shiny, with that new penny glow. The fold formed pieces I prefer to leave with the color variations left behind by the fire of the torch. But then what?

The fold formed pins and pendants are sprayed with a lacquer coating that should protect and preserve the finish for a good long while. That’s easy! Bracelets are more difficult. The adjustable nature of the cuff makes lacquer impractical. It’ll just flake off at the points of movement. So, I treat them with a special wax coating (link) that does a really nice job of preserving the finish, and gives the metal a more natural look than does a lacquer. The wax does not last forever, especially if you wear the bracelet often (as I do). It may need a touch up from time to time, or the finish itself may need a touch up. If you’d like me to do that, I will. Contact me.

The shiny maille is another matter. It will tarnish , just like the pennies in your jar. You do have a penny jar, don’t you? Doesn’t every one? Anyway, that tarnish is easily taken care of at home, with something almost certainly already in your kitchen. Ketchup. Seriously. Spread some ketchup on your copper, let it sit for a bit, and then wash it off. Shiny and new! Try it on a penny first to see. Try it on your copper-bottomed saucepan- I actually first got this tip from a cooking magazine. Works a treat.


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