Little Christmas

So, I’ve just discovered a lovely little custom – in Ireland, this day is sometimes observed as “Women’s Christmas”. It is a day when the women , who have been slogging along all year, and all thru the holiday season to keep the household going and make everything good for everyone else, get to put their feet up and let the men take care of house and kids. A fine idea, and one I think should be exported widely. No offence, you gents who are already valiantly keeping the homefires burning. Stay at home dads and single fathers, I figure you’re entitled to the day off as well.

The holiday season was long, and yet went by in a bit of a blur. Great season at Sign of the Dove, winding up a pretty good year for my business. Many things done around the house, for my family, for my parish. Good times had, laughs shared, and plenty of cooking and baking. But I’m tired now, and getting up in the cold dark to take my boy to school has been an unhappy back to ‘normal’ for both of us. So I think I’ll put my feet up and have a cuppa and enjoy the last of the Christmas cookies. The 2011 paperwork can wait one more day.

Happy Nollaig na mBan!

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