Busy, busy, busy

I’ve been a working woman for sure. Right now I’m in the thick of preparing for the opening of The Sign of the Dove Holiday Artisans’ Cooperative store. Producing inventory, prepping my display materials, publicity work,…it goes on. We’re looking forward to a good season (the co-op’s 40th!) of beautiful craft. If you’re in the Boston area , look for us in the Mall at Chestnut Hill.

And all the while I’m counting down to my next studio date. Hmmm, I should perhaps be concerned about being so eager to hit things? Anyway, I’m hoping that I can get some of this work through the jury and sell it in the shop this season. Like the piece here:

Copper Cuff

Object of longing

I just don’t know if it’s possible to make enough to be bothered with the process of getting it into the Dove this year. Next year, for sure. This year, well, if not the Dove than my etsy shop for sure. Look for it.

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