I like to hit things…

Metal things, with a hammer. I had a conversation about it with another jewelry maker the other day. She quite agrees with me and has a fine collection of hammers for hitting things just so.
I was able to rent some studio time this week, which was fabulous. I’ll be doing this for the forseeable future, until I can set up a studio at home. Lord knows when that will be. Until then, squeeze this work in where I can and maille the rest of my free (snort!) time. This is one pendant I was able to work on. Gosh, I’m really learning to love copper.
Really simple, but I like it. I did a cuff that I really like , but I want to do more finish work on it before showing it off.

In the meantime, I have to ask – if you’re going to make a tin that looks like this:

paging the Doctor

How do you not make it a Tardis? Really? No one thought of it? A wasted opportunity. It makes me sad.

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